Combating Our Crazy World

Sometimes it feels like our world is spiraling out of control. It seems there is a new negative controversy every day. Even Boise, known as one of the safest cities in America, experienced a public shooting a few weeks ago.

So what can we do amidst the craziness around us?

It’s simple—be the church.

God has gone all-in on us. He has given us the authority and power to take down principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness (for a great teaching series on this subject, click here). And He doesn’t have a Plan-B when it comes to preaching the gospel and getting the world saved.

If it’s not us, it’s nobody.

The apostle Paul knew this well. His world was not much different from ours. In fact, you could argue that Christians in the Roman Empire had it worse than Christians in America today. Emperor Nero lit Christians on fire, using them as human torches to light the streets of Rome. And Paul himself was no stranger to jail.

But he didn’t quit. Paul traveled extensively to show people the goodness of God, risking life and limb. And He knew the importance of spiritual warfare. Paul commanded his fellow Christians “that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”

And in just a few hundred years, Christianity went from extreme persecution to the main religion of the Roman Empire.

So, are we just complaining about everything going on around us, or are we taking action?

Just imagine what we could do if, just like Paul, we gave our whole heart to pray for our cities, state, and nation. Let’s not shrink into the shadows but go on the offensive to heal the sick and hurting, break down kingdoms of demonic influence, to keep loving our fellow man and spread the good news of Jesus and salvation.

As a wise man once said:

“It’s time for the church to influence the culture, instead of the culture influencing the church.”

After all, it’s what you were created for.

Click the video below to hear Pastor Doug encourage us all to be the church.


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