We are preparing now for our new 2000-seat auditorium and adjacent facilities.
God has a track record of providing our facility and financial needs over the past 20-plus years, and we know that He will do it again. In 2023, we entered into agreeing faith regarding the finances, properties, and building of this great work.
The project is now open.
We are receiving dedicated offerings toward the goal of completing and fully utilizing this building for the glory of God.
If you would like to be part of this God-given vision, know that you are giving into something that will produce eternal results. It is worth our every effort to stretch our faith and trust God until it is finished.
Although we still have to solve the parking issue before we can fully proceed with construction, we know that the wisdom and provision of God will be present.

The following video gives more detail and will allow you to join us in faith for the fulfillment of God’s plan.
Father, we acknowledge you as the source of every good thing. You are our abundant and faithful provider and without you we can do nothing.
According to Matthew 18:19, we come into agreement regarding this project, asking you for:
20-million dollars or more to pay for the new construction
Wisdom to design and build the right thing at the right time
Favor with city officials, local residents, suppliers, etc.
Ample properties for parking
We claim at least 20-million dollars out of this world’s system.
We command Satan and all demonic forces to release this money now. Take your hands off our finances in Jesus’ name.
We charge the angels of God, ministering spirits, to go and cause the finances, lands to come into our possession. Move people and resources for the benefit of the kingdom of God and our part in God’s plan.
Father, we give all the thanks, credit, glory, and honor to you for all these things. We consider them done. Hallelujah!