Ready for Days of Heaven?

The days of Heaven are here, and they are now.

They are for those who keep the Word of God in their heart and their soul. Those who teach God’s ways to their children. People who speak of God as they sit in their house, ponder His ways as they go to bed, and meditate on them as they rise in the morning.

We’re not talking solely about the printed Word of God found in the Bible. We’re speaking of the all-present, all-knowing, all-loving Word. The Voice that was in the beginning as the world was formed and calls to you from beyond the edges of eternity.

Our hope is that you will answer that Voice. That you turn an ear to the One who has chosen you to be a conduit of His power. So that from the wilderness and the river, to the desert and the sea, your days—and the days of your children—will be as the days of Heaven on Earth.

Join us for the Life Church Conference at 7 p.m. each night from Aug. 15-19. The conference is free for everyone, and will also include a special conference for kids as well.

For more information about the conference, just click the button below. Also, check out the recap video from last year’s conference.


Kids Camp 2022


New Office Hours, Service Times Start June 6