One Bold Action

Show God to the World

The lame man sat against the stone wall near the temple gate, as the mid-afternoon sun bronzed his face. His gaze was fixed downward toward his paralyzed legs while he asked for money—the same thing he did the day before, and the month before, and the year before.

Hope was a four-lettered word he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

“Look at us,” said Peter to the lame man. “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

If you know the rest of the story, found in Acts 3:1-10, the lame man did more than stand and walk, he leaped with joy while praising God for his healing.

And all that happened because of a single bold decision on behalf of a Christian.

Notice how Peter, a disciple of Jesus, spoke to the man. He didn’t have money, which the lame man sought. But Peter did have power and authority through Jesus. Peter knew he could be a conduit to connect this man with the mighty, healing power of God.

And not only did the lame man experience God, but everyone else watching saw non-disputable evidence of God’s love and power.

“[God] is looking for an opportunity every single day to show himself strong in the earth, but he does not do that independent of his people believing him,” Pastor Mark Boer said.

Most people will never see the physical face of Jesus while on earth, but they can experience Him through you.

When we, like Peter, choose to believe God and cast out demons, heal the sick, and set captives free—the world comes face to face with God.

All it takes is one bold action.

Watch the video below to hear more about showing people God through our bold actions.

P.S. What step can you take to show someone God today?


Women’s Conference Recap


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